Friday, February 26, 2010


I post two news during this afternoon. Before this, I was trying to figure out what am I supposed to do to fill up my time at home. Well, I have done something today, not bad.

I always feel like I cannot occupy my time usefully or meaningfully. Time passes very fast and at the end of the day, I think what I have done throughout the day... Sometimes it can be very disappointing when I found that I did nothing for the day!

Am I a pessimistic person? From what you all know about me, please tell me the answer! What kind of person is me? I am getting blurrer image of myself...

I am always pretending, as I always keep something deep in my heart. I dont share out my feelings through daily chating and I always take long time, lying on the bed, thinking, for almost hours, before I go to dreamland. I cannot sleep well at night...

Friends, tell me your views please!


  1. like mr yee told us before this..just let it go if we can't control it. if u let it go i am sure you will be more happier and you will understand your feeling better. Gambateh!!!!
    add oil!!!!!

  2. be the one you're happy to be... ^^
    don't make things complicated

  3. Dont race your life feiwen. Sometimes we are rushing ourselves to reach our ultimate goal but sadly we are accomplishing it with the expense of our happiness. After all, happy is the most important element i think.

  4. thank you my friends! I know what to do now...
