Tuesday, February 23, 2010


That is the word i can think of to decribe my feeling now. After going through the hardship, I feel more relax and release now~~~

NO more crying, no more hate... i know that I cant hate myself... i have to do my best tomorrow afterall...no matter what kind of result is awarded from my hardwork, I have put my best effort and that is enough for me. Because I have already do my part!!!^^

Dont worry guys, i know u love me and I love u all too... I will stay strong always and be a good girl. I am not so easily pushed down by pressure! I got the way to cope with it, and I laugh a lot just now, and all the pressure gone, at least for tonight, making me happier^^

I still got many challenges waiting for me, and I will strike them down and go through it. With your support, I believe I CAN DO IT!!!


Actually I face many ups and downs frequently, and I have no idea to cope with it...that's why I cant get back to myself. My friends said that I have changed a lot. Ya, I do agree with it. Without me notice, I changed and i am changing. Something good plus something bad, i do always wish that i can improve myself in terms of relationships, EQ and IQ. EQ is the most difficult task for me, for I lost control sometimes. It is really bad and it hurts many. To think before I act or before say out something that may hurt others is always my goal. BUt i am the kind of stupid because I hurt others always without me realise... sorry... it makes me guilty. And I am a coward person too...everything can be linked up to make me hate myself.



Everything is possible to change. There is always room for improvement. Just believe in ourselves and move towards our goals, so that satisfaction is achieved, people are happy.

Enough for today, bye^^ see u soon....


  1. Dun worry, gal! We're always with you in case you need us. ^^
    Ups and downs are to make our lives more interesting. So, don't cope with it, just accept it and take it as a part of our life. You'll feel better. All the best.

  2. thanks~ to accept it and take it as a part of my life is not easy, but i will try to do it anyway...once again, thanks^^
