Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What I feel about today.

Hoping that today will be a wonderful day, it turns out to be a demotivating day.

I get back my Math's paper. I failed. I scored so badly. Never, since I was in primary school, I never fail in any test! I feel so depressed today.

It is enough.

For these two weeks, I feel depressed two times. I was trying really hard to control myself not to cry out. Anytime I think back of the sad story, I will soon feel wetness around my eyes. It is such a hard task to let myself calm down, to let myself not to thik too much, not to let myself feel so unhappy.

In the previous post, I mentioned that I am targeting on happiness in my life. Seriously, no joke. Happiness is the most important thing in life, based on what I think. But, I do not manage to do it today. I know it is not easy to achieve.

I am wondering, how come I can fail in my test this time? Is it I did not put sufficient effort? Or I did not try my best? I am not serious towards this test???
Iis that the case?

I don't know.

Well, I am sure that I was already put my highest effort and try my best to tackle every question given in the paper. At that time, I was so confused by the question. There were altogether 4 questions, and sadly, (I thought) I managed to answer at least question no. 4. The remaining questions almost drive me out of the paper. Although I have idea on how to solve it after a couple times of repeating logical thinking, I still get 0 for two of the question. Why? And even the last question that I was quite confident about, lose a couple marks, not because I was careless, but because I thought the formulas should be like that. I have the wrong piece of information in my head, and that's why i did mistakes.

My concept is wrong, probably I do not understand this chapter. Previously, I thought I understand those concepts.

After a few rounds of analyzing my mistakes, I found out that I do not understand this chapter that I supposed to.

It has been a hard time for me in class this morning. I can't even face my lecturer in class. It is the feeling that I did not putting right effort and approach to study what she taught. Shame!

I cannot continue anymore. I will stop now.


  1. Don't feel so depress. The questions are difficult to be analysed. And I think I have the same problem,statistics not the chapter we master. I also tried my best to understand it.Anyway,there are many other chapters we understand, Just we hv to do more extra Q on this chapter so that we cn knw more pattern on this chapter,Hoping it helps...
    Cheer up, everything will be ok...=)
    Give u a <3 to support u!!

  2. cheers =)
    just a small small incident in life !!
    focus on your life goal~ happiness !! ^^

  3. chill fei wen !
    you must have heard this,
    'gagal sekali bukan bermakna gagal selama-lamanya'

    lets try our best. gambateh !

  4. Thanks for your concern. touch~
    I feel much more better now.
    Life is full of challenges, and I will stand up, and move towards the goal.
    Thank you again, I appreciate it.

  5. 这次你的数学考试失败了,你还有第三学期的exam,就等于你还有机会。所谓‘失败是成功之母’。Don't sad and don't cry.我给你一个勇气,也给你一个很大很大的力量就是坚强,坚持,永不放弃,还有我给你一个支持的力量。Just try do again ur best in next semester exam..U will successful one day. Just believe to urself..^.^''

    Remember ya..NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!

    'U SAD, I SAD'....;-P
