Saturday, August 21, 2010

Girl thrown to death in 'train rage' incident in India

There have been several incidents in India over the past year in which passengers have been pushed out of moving trains. This was basically caused by the fights over sitting space, and it is very common in the unreserved compartments of Indian trains, which are often overcrowded, hot and unsanitary.

A tragedy happened to two years old girl. She was thrown to her death from a moving train after an argument between passengers in India regarding the fight over limited sitting place. The little girl’s parents resisted four men’s attempts to share a berth, and this unfortunately caused one of them to throw the girl out of the moving train. The train made an emergency stop and the parents rushed back down the tracks to recover the child. The men slipped away in the crowd.

Sadly, it is found that no passenger was willing to lend a helping hand during the violence. The parents were too weak to fight against the strong men.


Miss Dilani told us that current hot topics include accident, global warming and sexual issues. So, I try to investigate the news related to these few topics. I am lucky today to find one article related to train accidents over in India. However, it is originated from people's rude behaviour.

Personally, I think that India’s public infrastructure is in great need for improvement. Sitting place should be expanded to fulfill the demands of huge population. In other words, the responsible parties should allocate more resources to extend the number of train as well as upgrade the security system in transportation industry. At the same time, public should be educated not to use violence to meet their own demands. Tolerance and the value of being considerate should be inculcated in the public. Moral education at home plays an important role in establishing a respectable society.

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