Saturday, July 17, 2010

Aussie news-Health campaigns "stigmatise" obese

Research found that public health campaigns warning of the dangers of obesity did not help them to lose weight. Apparently, the Cancer Council linked increased waist size with a greater cancer risk was particularly disliked while positive campaigns which encouraged physical activity and healthy eating, were better received. According to a health sociologist Dr Samantha Thomas, most of the campaigns often reinforced the public perception that all overweight people were unhealthy. They are often considered as a burden on health system, which isn't always the case. Director of the Cancer Prevention Centre defended that they have an obligation to raise awareness of the strong link between cancer and obesity. After all, diet industry is the party gaining benefits from the implementation of the campaigns.


  1. In my opinion, the approach used by health organizations to raise the awareness of the negative health impacts on obesity is inappropriate. Many obese adults felt that they were stigmatised, shamed and blamed by government health campaigns as they were repeatedly told that they have a great tendency to develop health illness especially cancers. It can be quite hard living as a fat person in the community, and yet they were said to be a burden on health system. This made most of the people to dislike the campaigns.

    To redress this problem effectively, I think those campaigns should focus on telling people the solutions rather than simply pointing out the problem.

  2. yaya..i agree with your opinion...They should promote fitness campaign instead....Fat but fit is totally the other case, it can be healthy as well^^

  3. True indeed. Whether is plump or slim, beauty still lies in the eyes of beholder. I certainly believe that a kind heart is the most attractive.

    However, obesity is still a concern. Not because that it is an eyesore or a flaw. It is more on health concern. Mind what you eat.

  4. I think they should highlight the link between cancer and obesity. It may encourage more to start exercising.
