Friday, July 23, 2010


I knew that I am over-stressed this week. I am said to be shouting more fequently at midnight during my sleep, and it happens almost everday in this week. Well, this is my bad habit that is out of my control, to shout and behave angrily and aggressively on bed when I fall asleep. I pick up this habit since I was small. I cannot control myself for not being like that because I don't really have any memory about that, meaning I do not know I behave like that unless others tell me. Of course, others ask me why is it happen that way. My answer would be "I don't know". Seriously, I cannot control it, and I wonder why is it happen to me. Maybe I am too stressful, causing me to release tension at night during my sleep. I have to say sorry to anyone of you who being badly disturbed by me during your sleep. Really sorry for that. My mom have actually told me to inform my friends so that they get alerted. I admit I can behave so aggressively until I may just wake up and punch other in case I am in extreme angry mood. Sorry again.... I do hurt my younger sister before, and I made her cry. I felt so sorry for her... I am being told to inform my roommate, if I behave like that at midnight, please call my name, and I will stop. No joke! It really works! Trust me. My mom used to practice it. It is one way to make me stop. I don't know about the other ways, but this is an applicable method. Sorry for all the disturbance and inconvenience.


  1. 睡觉也会有压力的咩?i never seen and never heard it..

  2. 我认识你很久也不懂你有这个坏习惯。。哈哈。。;-P

  3. I think it should be ok as it is not under ur control. Just try not to keep urself in a stressful mood. Release it at the day time... haha^^

  4. Perhaps I need therapy or treatment to get rid of my bad habit >.<
